Hello friends here we will discuss important idioms and phrases with hindi translations and meaning in english which is start from alphabet I so let's start.................
ICONOCLAST -गैर परम्परावादी One who opposes established institutions
IDOLATRY- मूर्ति पूजन The worship of idols or images
ILLEGAL -अवैध Contrary of law
ILLEGIBLE -अपठनीय Incapable of being read
ILLITERATE -अनपढ़ - One who does not know reading and writing
IMAGINARY -काल्पनिक - Existing only in the mind
IMMIGRANT - अप्रवासी -A person who comes to one country from another in order to settle there
IMMUNE - प्रतिरक्षिक -Free from infection
IMPALPABLE - स्पशार्तित That which cannot be penetrated
IMPERCEPTIBLE - अदृश्य -That which cannot be perceived by sense
IMPERIALISM -साम्राजयवाद - Policy of extending a country's empire and influence
IMPERTINENT -गुस्ताख़ - Not showing proper respect
IMPIETY -सम्मान की कमी - Lack of respect or religious reverence
IMPOSTER - बहुरुपिया -One who assumes a character or title not his own to deceive others
IMPRACTICABLE -अव्यवहारिक - Incapable of being practised
IMPUDENT - रूखे व्यवहार वाला -Rude and not respectful
IMPUNITY -दंड मुक्ति - Freedom from punishment
INADMISSIBLE - अस्वीकार्य -That which cannot be admitted or allowed
INAUDIBLE -जो सुनाई ना दे - A sound that cannot be heard
INCENDIARY -जो आग / गुस्सा भड़काए Designed to cause fire
INCOMBUSTIBLE -जो जले नहीं - That which cannot be burnt
INCOMPARABLE - अतुलनीय -That which cannot be compared
INCORRIGIBLE - जो सुधारा नहीं जा सकते -Incapable of being corrected