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Hello friends here we will discuss important idioms and phrases with hindi translations and meaning in english which is start from alphabet  J, K, L,so let's start.................

  1. JAIL BIRD -जो जेल में हो या पहले रह चूका है - A person who is or has been confined to jail 
  2. JAUNDICED EYE - पक्षपातपूर्ण दृष्टिकोण To look at something with a prejudiced view 
  3. JUDAS KISS -झूठा प्यार - False love 
  4. JUMP TO A CONCLUSION - बिना सोचे समझे नतीजे पर पहुंच जाना To come to a conclusion prematurely 
  5. KANGAROO COURT - गैर कानूनी न्यायालय An illegal court 
  6. KEEP ONE'S CARDS CLOSE TO ONE'S CHEST -किसी बात को छुपाना - Hiding comething 
  7. KEEP ONE'S FINGERS CROSSES -किसी अच्छी घटना के होने की कामना करना - To wait expectantly 
  8. KEEP ONE'S WORD - प्रतिज्ञा पूरी करना -To keep one's promise 
  9. KEEP THE BALL ROLLING -जारी रखना - To maintain the progress of a project or plan 
  10. KEEP THE WOLF FROM THE DOOR -दरिद्रता से संघर्ष करना - To avert poverty/ starvation 
  11. KILL TWO BIRDS WITH ONE STONE -एक कार्य करके दो समस्याओ से निपटना - Doing two things at a the same time while effort is made for one 
  12. KITH AND KIN - बंधू बांधव -Blood relations
  13. https://www.knowmyhub.com/2020/08/IMPORTANT%20IDIOMS%20AND%20PHRASES%20_28.html
  14. KNIT ONE'S BROW -गुस्सा करना - To frown 
  15. LADY'S MAN - जो महिलाये के संगत में रहना पसंद करता हो -A man who is fond of the company of women 
  16. LAME EXCUSE - असंतोषजनक बहाना -False excuse / baseless excuse 
  17. LION'S SHARE - सबसे बड़ा हिस्सा -Large part 
  18. LIVE IN AN IVORY TOWER - आम आदमी के दुखो से खुदको दूर रखना -Living in comfort and being unaware of realities of others' miserise
  19. LOAVES AND FISHES -व्यक्तिगत लाभ - Material benefit 
  20. LOOK OFF COLOURS -अस्वस्थ दिखाई देना - Look ill or unhealthy 
  21. LOOK THROUGH COLOURED GLASSES - झूठे आवरण से देखना -To see with different / wrong views 

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