Idioms and phrases for daily uses |
- Dance to one's tune - Obeying one's order
- Dark horse - One who wins unexpectedly
- Dead letter - A law or ordinance that is no longer enforced
- Democle's sword - Constant threat
- Die a dog's death - To die a shameful death
- Die in harness - Die while in service
- Dog in the manger - A person who prevents others from enjoying what he cannot
- Donkey's years - A long time
- Draw a line - Set a limit
- Duck in a thunder storm - In a painful condition
- Eagle eyed -With keen eyesight
- Eat humble pie - To apologize
- Eat one's words - take a statement back
- Elbow room - Sufficient scope to move or function
- End in smoke - Come to nothing
- Escape one's lips - Speak unintentionally or unexpectedly
- Fabian policy - Deliberate slow policy
- Fair and square - In an honest way
- Fair sex - women
- Fair weather friend - Selfish friends who are with us
- Fancy price - At any cost
- Feather in the cap - Additional success
- Feather one's nest - To enrich oneself by taking advantage of one's position
- Fight shy of - To attempt to avoid a thing or person
- Fish in troubled waters - to take advantage of the problems place
- Fly in the ointment - A slight unpleasant thing that obstructs the enjoyment of something
- Fool's paradise - A state of being happy for foolish or unfounded reasons
- Forty winks - A nap
- French leave - A leave without information or permission
- Fringe benefits - An additional benefit apart from salary
- From hand to mouth - Providing only bare essentials
- Gala day - Celebration day
- Get away with - To escape
- Get down to - To attend to work seriously
- Get into a soup - Get into trouble
- Get off scot free - To escape without punishment
- Get on one's nerves - To irritate or annoy
- Gibble gabble - Foolish talk
- Gift of the gab - Talent for speaking
- Give a piece of mind - To rebuke or scold