One Word Substitution is the processes of using one word for a phrase. this is processes in which people one word to replace a wordy phrase , to make the structure more clear
one word substitution
Bay - A part of the sea / lack enclosed by a wide curve of the shore
Beach - A strech of sand / stones along the edge
Bellicose - A person who is fond of fighting
Belligerent - Engaged in was / fight
Benefactor - One who gives financial help to a school
Bibliophile - One who loves and collects books
Biennial - That which happens once in two years
Bigamy - The custom of having two wives or two husbands
Bigot - One who is filled with narrow and prejudiced opinion
Bilingual - One who can speak two languages
Biography - The life history of a man written by someone else
Biped - Animal with two feet
Blaspheme - Speaking irreverently about god or sacred things
Bliss - Perfect happiness
Bohemian -One who does not follow the usual norms of social life
Bookworm / Bibliophilic - One who is interested in reading books and nothing else
Boorish - Person who is rough and ill mannered
Botany -The science of vegetable life
Brittle - A thing which can be easily broken
Bureaucracy - A government by the officials
Cabaret - A seies of a type of dance performance
Cajole - Persuade by flattery
Calligraphy - Art of beautiful hand writing
Cannibal - That eats one's own species
Catacomb - an underground place where people are buried
Capsize - Overturn in water
Carnage - Killing of large numbers of people
Carnival - Public merry making and feasting
Cemetery - The place for corpses to be buried
Centenary - Hundredth anniversary
Chronological - According to sequence of time
Circumlocution - A roundabout way of expression
Cloakroom - The place for luggage at a railway
Coerce - Compel to a course of action
Cognate - Having the same source or origin
Conflagration - Huge destructive fire
Congregation - Gathering of worshippers
Congruent - Identical in all respects
Contemporary - of the same time
Conventicle - Secret and illegal religious meeting