One Word Substitution is the processes of using one word for a phrase. this is processes in which people one word to replace a wordy phrase , to make the structure more clear
- Abattoir - Place where animals are killed for food
- Abbot - a man who is the head of a monastery
- Abbreviation - A shortened form of a word or phrase
- Abdication- to formally give up
- Ablution- Ritual washing of the body
- Abstruse - Hard to understand
- Abundance - A quantity that is more than enough
- Accentuate - Give more force or importance to
- Accomplice - Helper in a wrong deed or crime
- Acronym - Word formed from initial letters of a name
- Addendum - Thing to be added at the end of a book ect.
- Advertisement - A public notice offering or asking or goods services etc
- Afforestation - The act of forestation by planting many trees
- Agenda - Items of business for consideration at a meeting
- Aggressor - Someone who attacks first
- Agnosticism - Doubtful about the existence of god
- Alien - One who belongs to different country
- Alimony - Allowance fixed after divorce to a wife
- Allegory - Story in which ideas are symbolized as people
- Alliteration - Commencement of adjacent words with the same letter
- Alturist - One who lives and works for the welfare of others
- Amateur - Lacking professional skill or expertise
- Ambassador - A diplomatic representative of one country in another
- Ambidextrous - Equally skillful with each hand
- Ambiguous - Having more than one possible meaning
- Amnesty - A general pardon of political offenders
- Amphitheatre -A designated section of seats in any part of a theatre
- Analgesia - The loss of ability to feel pain while still conscious
- Anarchist - One who wishes to destroy all
- Anarchy - The absence of government in a country